   Břehy  Doubrava  Příhrazy  Skokovy  Žďár  Žehrov

Attractions in the village

Year  2011

   4th May 2011 again entered the village in winter snow flew, and morning temperatures dropped to -4 ° C. In the mountains to 12 ° C and occurred twenty centimeters of snow. The May temperature fluctuations přidělají sadařům most concern.

Year 2010

      This year winter came early January, and now came the great snow, presents, from 10 January until the end of January occurred 55 cm of snow and this presents many problems had made throughout the country. 27th January was the coldest day of the year and over the last many years, the temperature dropped to -22.5 ° C.

     Who lit the barn on Žehrově? 14th January interfere five fire brigades in the warehouse fire, feeding the horses within the stables of Mr. Mares Žehrově. Half barn burned down, as shown in the pictures HERE. The only answer to the shaping envy nepřejícnost and arson. After all it was a new building. What happened to the people in this company?

Year 2009

   The three kings on Jan. 6 came true winter, this idea of 20 cm of snow and frost began large. Z 5 January to 6 frost in January was -21,8°C and the sun was a beautiful day.

Year 2008

Advised storm ”EMMA“ 1.a2.března. Mladá Boleslav road block popadané columns high voltage

   Serious problems with wind done Mladá Boleslav during Saturday also on the road R10. About five kilometers outside the city fell to the high-voltage pylon. On the ground collapsed around the tenth hour morning. Energetic to remove it around the 18th hours.

   On the ground were also But demolishing the wires, which were under a stream and on a wet road sparkled. Firemen could not, therefore, long time to do anything to be proud acted. Later, the ground wire and remove the dangerous zprůjezdnili fully direction to Liberec.

    As a result of this accident did not go in our village seven hours of electricity, other consequences of the storm ”EMMA“ in the village left.

    On holiday Joseph 19th Mar idea 5 cm of snow and looked like Christmas, only flowering laburnum with this wonder.


     Zato end nevydařil the first day of winter was the warmest in the last 60 years, 7.2 ° C, it was raining and Clouds.

Year 2007

    During the night of 18 for 19 Jan affected the whole of Europe and the Czech Republic and the storm. The warning meteorologist is completed, Orkan ”Kyrill,“ as was called, reached speeds of 160 km / hr. (At Sněžka measured 200 km / hr.) Orkan crippled transport, kácel trees, damaged roofs of a number of objects and thousands of people to interrupt the power supply. Firemen registered a record number of trips - 4 000. Forests Czech Republic reported the greatest calamity in its history. Initial estimates were that the wind damaged 5 million cubic meters of wood, which is 70% of annual extraction. The reason could be the contrast between the hot air over Europe and extreme cold of the Arctic region.

   In this year 2007 to přilétli Capi Žďár to nest in Mr. hatása on March 26 at 14.00 hours and it's interesting that both moved at once, and not as was customary, when a přilétl about two weeks earlier than the other. Know that is warmer in our country? Probably yes!

   Beginning of April 2007 was very warm and visibility was beautiful, as shown in pictures. It could be argued that our settlement is ”under Doubrava Krkonoše“. In nearby pískoven Příšovice in the ladies opalovaly in a swimsuit in the summer and to15.dubna. How will the holidays?

Year 2006

    After the rains in the mountains on the 8th August rozvodnily the river in the Czech Republic and even met our Jizerou. Photos show a large water under Filigarovými in Břehách a look at the bridge over Svijanský Jizerou. They show flooding in one day, as the water quickly faded. Shot at 9.30 am and 18.20 of this on 8 August.

    In this year was abnormal with summer temperatures that reached up to 52 ° C in the sun. Also a very warm winter, when kvetly muscatel even in November and then attacked one snow day. The photo you see blooming muscatel snow of 3 November.

Year 2005

The mills Žehrově.

    Laušmanův Mill on Žehrově is the last mill on the river flow Žehrovka and was founded under the file of Mr. JV Egrta PLOUKONICE from around the 1490th More information from this file.

    The mill Žehrovském early sixteenth century vladycký family sat Bavoryňských of Bavoryně the front Beneš was around 1490 Burgrave on Bones. Another Bavoryňský Benes, a native of Turnova became a priest in 1518 and later famous as Bishop of fraternal unity. Tales of the city Turnova.

    Prokop Bavoryně sold in the year 1549 Mill Žehrovský Peter Stařimskému and leave, after having been in the country: ”Historical memory district mnichovohradišťského p. 180 /. Prokop Bavoryně sold from 1848 Mill Žehrovský Peter Stařimskému and away from the country. Mnichovohradišťského Historical Memory district page 324 /.

    At the turn of the 19th and 20 century mill was already in the possession of families Laušmanových and served its purpose. At this time the mill went through several periods of society. First Republic, two world wars, the nationalization of property in 1948. Finally, the new republic after the revolution in 1989 and the subsequent restitution of the mill once again returned to the family property Laušmanových. There was a mill repair, new roof, exterior plaster and interior modifications.

   Finally, the monument was closed voluntarily by fire in December 2005. On the walls of the offender left visible reference written in black, according to the template ”FOR KOLOMAJZNU“. Thus the end of last unmeritorious Mill on Žehrovce, regardless of the family Laušmanova had nothing to do with this Mr. Kolomazník, for which the vymahatelé took his tax debt..

Picture from an unknown painter, circa 1940
Mill repaired, taken in 2005.
Journey to the mill, the summer of 2005.
The first film from Ms. J. Black of Žehrova.
This is the second film fire mill.
Magnification, already without roof Control of fire equipment for fire The remains after a fire, shoot 1.4.2006. A sad look at the remains of the mill. The inscription on spáleništi which the perpetrators did not write.



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