Custom tailors in Břehách No. 16 is located in the former firm
Carbo on the second floor on the left. Ms. Loudová offers sewing ladies',
men's and children's clothing. Extremely repairs to clothing. Working
hours are subject to negotiation with the customer. On the phone: 775
294 077. More on www.krejcovstviloudova.cz |
Mr. Lubos Vavra, Bank No. 17, 294 11 Loukov, performs
installation, repair and maintenance of electrical wiring, the
electric equipment and conductors. Tel: 776043895, 326789446.
th Nr: 050-7001023436. ID: 71,042,270th |
BOSNIA, so is the name of the enterprise on the edge of the road
Doubrava No. 610 direction Mnichovo Hradiště - Turnov, deals with the
purchase and sale of the South, the domestic fruit and vegetables of all
kinds. |
The company operates a road transport Lukas Prochazka,
earthworks, sewage (fekál), rubble, container leasing. Firms see
Doubrava No. 120, opposite the bus and train stop. Tel:
603 713 800
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 603
713 800 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Fax: 326 789 046th Others at
www.L-pro.cz |
Car - Burda in Žďár čp.60 offers all of the work on the car brand
Skoda, mounting accessories and preparing cars for technical inspection.
Phone: 326 789 163. |
Upholstery Mr. Charouzek work
performed in his workshop in a family house in Doubrava. |
This company deals with production of decorative condoms. Find it in the
middle of Doubrava villages on the road Turnov - Zdar. |
Printing on textiles company deals with Mariana Kabele iMaXoft studio in
Doubrava No. 77th We also manufacture advertising hours. More on the
www.imaxoft.cz |
PALESTAV is a private
construction company Mr. Lebed Paul, who carries out construction work
and construction on a turnkey basis. Location is Doubrava No. 216, 294
11 Loukov. Phone: 326 789 108, Mobile: 602 427 817. |
Marcela Chejnová Břehy 23rd (third white house on the
left side of the OU) tel: +420 603 161 981st Working hours MON-FRI
06:00 - 19:00 from the agreement. Providing a cosmetic skin
treatment, hair removal, manicures, pedicure and nail modeling, more
www.beautysalonpm.cz |
Installing electrical implements Mr Miroslav Fejtek in Doubrava No. 214,
to perform the installation of automatic closing doors. Phone: 728 372
388. |
Doubrava Autoopravna in carrying
out repair of passenger cars. Located near the intersection Doubrava -
Všeň. |
and locksmith work carried out by the company Hořeního in Wenceslas
Doubrava. |
Haircut and grooming dogs carried Mrs. Daniel Gross in
Doubrava No. 62, 294 11 Loukov near the restaurant at Lebeda.
Being done, trimming, bathing, combed, blow-drying, cutting and
filing nails, cleaning ears and anal glands. Tel: 775 719 700. |
Physiotherapist Mrs. Mgr. Veronika Feštrová
implementation: the prevention and treatment of pain and
disorders of the head, back and joint pain, treatment for
injuries and surgeries, poor posture, individual exercises,
manual techniques, massage and compensation programs. Orders in
agreement on Tel:
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 737
474 544 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
festrovka@centrum.cz . See Doubrava sixth house for the
rest. For Lebeda, towards the station. |
Installation of water, gas, heating, sanitation company made Jeníčka Mr.
Charles. Mr. Vavra Luboš carried out in this business electrical work,
including revisions.
Durango MSH or performed works, metal, joinery works and works mainly on
the repair of monuments that are in the register of protected monuments.
At the junction of roads Doubrava Mnichovo Hradiště - Turnov and
direction Všeň find workshops and truhlárny klempírnu. In SVIJANY then
stores, nice pubs, bowling alley and climbing wall. Also a collection of
old engines, old and interesting objects. |
Company PROBRUS deals with the sale of abrasive materials, hand tools
and sales based in the former Carbo in Břehách. Phone: 326 789 403,
further details can be found at
www.probrus.com . |
Locksmith work and metal work performed by Mr. Višňovského company
based in the former building of the Carbo Břehách No. 16th.
www.visnovsky.cz |
Mr. Miroslav Zakouřil performs all carpentry work in their workshop in
Žďár near the turning direction Příhrazy. Phone: 736 766 364 |
JABUR Ltd. is the name of the family firm Janouška in
Žďár No. 134, which deals with freight transportation, call 602 477 967
and sells coal in Loukovského station, opposite the restaurant ”in
Čapků“, phone: 326 789 030. |
PEVAspoj is the name of the company that sells connectors,
adhesives, anchor material. Location is in Zdar, phone: 326 789 171.
Working hours are Monday - Friday from 07 - 16 hours. |
Production of valuable ceramics Baladránová Zdenka, Zdar č.p.84. Phone:
326 789 084, 728 730 466. |
Mr Car Richtra in Žďár carrying out repair of all passenger cars,
spraying chassis, sinuses, and the installation of safety devices Defend-Lock.
Phone: 326 789 211. |
Car Tire Žďár čp.7 Joseph Frydrycha, can be found at the end of the
village on the left side towards Žehrovu in a beautiful log cottage. The
company sells tires. any kind of aluminum. Round steel. wheels, tires
bazaar. et al. Mechanical and metal work, preparing for the MOT. Tel.
602 493 646 and 602 493 620. Working hours are not fixed. |
Mr. Krause Autoopravna correcting cars of all kinds, selling batteries
and has its registered office at Žehrově, the first house on the left
side. |
Forests Czech Republic have their
registered office in the Žehrovem. |
Agricultural cooperative ZD Březina nad Jizerou farm to farm in Žďár on
an area of land approx. 600 ha. The farm kept all the cattle, that is to
say from calf to slaughter cattle. The farm still belongs to a branch
which is located in Arnošticích for Žehrovem. |
Hairdresser Tereza Višňáková established banks of No. 20, (ground floor
of the Municipal Office), 294 11 Loukov, offers a complete hairdressing
service at phone: 736 618 099. Working hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, 8.00 -
16.00 Tue, Thu from 13.30 am according to orders. |
Grinding of all kinds, knives, circular and chain saws, shears, drills,
etc. A Šnajdr Mr. Zdeněk, Doubrava No. 197th Working hours: Mon - Fri 7
- 12, 13 - 16.30, in so 8 - 12 Phone: 326 789 806. |
Bus service will ensure Mr Paul Rulc, the company is located at No.
Žehrově 42, 294 12 Zdar. Carries out both domestic and foreign tours.
Telephone number: 606 601 480. Orders at:
rulc.pavel@raz-dva.cz . |