The voluntary
association of women
History and why it was created?
How to creating something from what has to be take off the hat and
wonder noted that it still persists. ”In September 1981, met several
women and girls from Doubrava and began work on its appearance. Every
Monday we meet at the hospitality room for an hour and Lebeda, we
exercised the music under the guidance of Jana Fejtkové. Before each
exercise, we thoroughly uklidily room. He walked us on average fifteen
girls. In the spring, we became a member GROUPS Jizeran Doubrava. In May
we completed the exercise for sitting in a nearby hotel in PŘÍHRAZY “.
So this is the first page of the chronicle, which has no end and you
could write and write. In any society is the need for someone who ”go“
and in this case, it is Ms. Jana Fejtková. With the start of the school
year 1982-83 are starting to turn the girls learn and care about your
body. At the annual meeting Jizeranu Doubrava the girls agreed to
organize ”spring footprint“ with an unknown destination. This mark was
held on Saturday of 14 April 1984 and ”trample JAGY BABY“ remains
to this day. ”That day, on Saturday the team met 14 girls and women and
we have issued over the Všeň Valdštejn and gross Rock. The way we view
Kopicův Estate and images carved in the rocks. The prospects we observed
the beauty of Bohemian Paradise. After lunch, the Gross Skále We are on
the road, at the train station and we came home. vydařil Trip to power
and we promised that it will be hosted annually. The promise of respect
and in 2004 was the twentieth footprint baby Jagy. Any such expedition
is documented in the chronicles, which lead the girls with great care
and perhaps even love.
The first mark in 1984
Seventh mark 1991 |
Twenty-mark in 2004 |
Just on the edge of how to address? It is no doubt, because they
trample still persist. Describe the seventh. ”We met in the morning
at the station in Loukov, full of energy and good mood. Train we arrived
in Zelezny Brod. Then we trampling through the doors - Chléviště - the
cup, where we posvačily profusely. Another part of the route led through
the valley of the Jizera through Austria Šetřilovsko to where we had
ordered lunch, we happen to lose some of our deco still guarded weights,
we visited two Turnovská pastry and add the loss of energy. Length march
was about 15. km. vydařila footprint with all the power and enjoyed. In
when these pages are generated certainly women preparing for the next
twenty first beat. Wish them to trampling them for many years in good
should meet to be without cause, even without that one needs something
from the second and seemingly unnecessary, therefore, even at the cost
of lost time .... This is just the price of human relationships - the
only one with the slaughter second, in the understanding of one another.
So, this thought brought Mrs. Jan Fejtkovou to established
CLUB Px and on 10 November 1993. ”17 December 1993, I welcomed the
13 girls. Solemnly adopted as a member of the club received a
card. All were familiar with the statutes solid club. After a ceremonial
toast, I told the girls on the winter solstice, as slavívaly holidays as
incurred Christmas, Christmas symbols and customs. This was the primary
concern of our meetings - to bring the Christmas and know about the
holidays something extra. zacinkání After the bells and the sound of
Christmas carols, in the other room waiting to surprise the girls.
rozsvíceným Under the tree on each of us waited a gift. Our first
meeting took place in a pleasant cool. We broke up after midnight and I
was saying goodbye in a pleasant feeling. vydařila the first party,
perhaps it can be used to read the accompanying photos iz “.
Registered: Jan Fejtková vr.
Each of these women is intended to invite a colleague to invent the
party and meeting. Gradually, each month was unique and original events,
which persist until today. Then fill in the words of Mr Mining
quote and the idea of Mrs. Jana Fejtkové on human relations. What does ”Px“.
Well, after pretty girls club, diligent,-working, attractive, careful,
honest, pravdomluvných, delicious .........!