   Břehy  Doubrava  Příhrazy  Skokovy  Žďár  Žehrov

Fire history


Cooperative men to fire okrskové competition teams in Munich Hradiště 1974 - B. Dražil, M. Kopernický, F. Veleba, O. Vavra, M. Vavra, R. Kratochvil, J. Vorel.

Fire-fighting competition in 60 years - Vaclav Šulek and Bohuslav Dražil

The cooperative of women in 60 years - velitelka J. Janeckova, V. Žáčková, E. Frydrychová, Z. Frydrychová, J. Fridrichová ml., J. Fridrichová st., J. Horakova, O. Hornová (Paříková), E. Špetlíková ( Velebová)

  Founding members of young firemen r.1974

Flood banks 9.3.2000 - flooded meadow below Filikarovými

Flood 9.3.2000 - banks - Justice for Filikarů - pFPatočka and J. Vavra vynášejí water.

National sport bike in the fire 1991 - Prague Hostivar 1991 - 1st place

Champion of the sport in the fire 1991 - D. Loudová, H. Zavrtálková, Z. Kopernická, D. Picková, R. Zavrtálková (Cottage cheese), E. Flanderková, M. Šestáková, J. Zakouřilova, J. Vavrova, J. Jiránková.

Firemen Brehy

    Brehy ".....parish on 10 January 1904 Mayor Mr. Frantisek Patocka, opened the meeting establishing the College of voluntary fire fighters and called in Břehách present to choose from among its choral činovníky. When following the election, were elected unanimously: Frantisek Patocka for President Kamil Filikar for the master, Josef Čapek as agent. The management of choral elected: Jos. burner, Jos. Vavra, Jan peld, Jos. Tomsa, J. Hibner. Selected and accepted as nothing more was not to discuss, the meeting was closed. ”

     This is the first minutes of the memorial book, which has survived the fire brigade in Břehách. Last entry is from 1934, when the President was Mr Frantisek Patocka older and Chief Dražil Mr. Franz. Last posting was made on October 4 1934. The book continues the agent listing the 13th meeting ČSPO banks January 1976 and end on 1 June 1987. Shows that the registration has been filling the former Fire College. They were to fire alarm plans, preventive inspections, fire regulations and an overview of the most frequently occurring defects in residential homes.

     Fire Corps regularly partook okrskových competitions with three cooperatives, cooperative men, women and youth, which achieve good results. It should be noted that the Corps Břehách has always had a small membership and yet built much good, both for community and youth. Built a nice sport in the village, which is organized competition, and various celebrations until the restitution of lost property was restored and the original owners. Then a problem, where to practice? To enable them to choir in a neighboring village to the sports in PLOUKONICE.


Memorial list


      In 1973 starts a new game Flame - a competition for children - young firefighters. Also in our choir was founded 15 March 1974 co-operative of young firemen (fire), which still works. Mr. Head was elected Miloslav Vavra. Children shall meet regularly throughout the year - competing in the disciplines Flame game, go on trips, regional meetings firemen, military facilities, children's days, the competition, organized by job, summer camping, promotional appearances with fire equipment, cultural programs, carry out badges expertise (prevention , recorder, engineer, captain, trainer), participated in the discussions - such as the Greenland r.1984, Mongolia and Alpine countries p. J.Pavlovou.av 1986 Rallye Paris-Dakar with Mr. Moskalem and J. Brzobohatým cooperated with the Czech fishing union and Svazarmu. In 1980 the team became a section of young firefighters in the pioneering organization ZŠ Zdar and cooperation of the basic školou.V this year became the leader for 1 year Mr Ladislav Horak. Best team achieve success in 1984 when probojovalo up to the national round of games Flame of Czechoslovakia, which took place in Slovakia in Poprad Svitu below. In 1,985 children have been the first summer camp in Mohelnice nad Jizerou. The following year at the LT Milavý (Strakonice) and beyond to LT in Zruč near Pilsen. In 90 years there is a change in the content game Flame. In 1990, leaders of youth became John Vavrova. Children participating in trips to the pool, camping at Jizery, painted drawings in the competition ”Fire protection of children's eyes.“ Since 1995, regularly participates in ”Her fire of youth“ in Kosmonosy ”. In 1997-99, we held weekends at the cottage in Hejtmanka Příchovice. Since 1998, together with SDH Ploukonice organize summer camps. LT r.1998 -1999 Hrabetice cottage in Slovanka, 2000-2001 Krčkovice, 2002 in Kořenov Sport Chalet-Ski, 2003-White Poličan, r.2004-05 Rovensko pod Troskami Palda, 2006 -- Kořenov Chalet TJ Turnov.

     From 2000 to attend Memorial Marty Habadové - indoor pohárová competition of young fire fighters in the running of individuals with barriers, which organizes MeSH Prague in Strahovské inflatable hall. In 2002 we were invited to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of SDH in Kosmonosy, where the newly renovated has open. armory, which is located on the ground floor of fire equipment, including cars and the floor is a beautiful meeting room. We also work with children from SDH Březina and takes part in Březiňského Cup. The meetings prefer playing for many years and the baseball game we go to bathe in the nearby Jizera.

Success Stories - Children - Young firefighters

     Best location in the game Flame

 Year 1979 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier category  r.1980 - 1st place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.1982 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier category r.1983 - 1st place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.1984 - 1st place in the district round and also 1st place in the regional round in Vlašim and participate in the national round in Svitu in Poprad in Slovakia - the category of older
 r.1985 - 1st place in the district round - the older category, 3rd place in the region  r.1986 - 1st place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.1987 - 3rd place in the district round - the category of older r.1989 - 1st place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.1994 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier category r.1995 - 3rd place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.1996 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier category r.1997 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.2000 - 3rd place in the district round - earlier category r.2001 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier categories
 r.2002 - 2nd place in the district round - earlier category r.2003 - 2nd place in the district round - the category under
 r.2004 - 1st place in the district round - 2nd place in the category under the district round - the older category.


      Women working in the organization since 1960. Best of success achieved in 1991, which became the champion of the Prague-Hostivar. Takes part in various competitions - district, county, region Jizera League Cup in the Czech Paradise Turnově, Polabského stovkování, indoor competition in fire sport disciplines in Jablonec nad Nisou, competition ”The Cup Měcholupy.

Successes - Women

     Best location in fire sport

 r.1991 - 1st place in the district round, 1st place in the regional round and 1st place in the national round of fire sport Prague - Hostivar
 r.1999 - 1st place in the district round 2000 - 2nd place in the district round, 2nd place in regional competition in Rožmitál under Třemšínem

 r.2001 - 1st place in the district round 2002 - 2nd place at the district round, 3rd place in the regional round in Nymburk
 r.2003 - 1st place in the district round, 1st place in the regional round in Tlusticích, 7 place in MČR in Olomouc
 r.2004 - 1st place in the district round, 1st place in the regional round in 6.místo MČR in Sušice
 r.2005 - 1st place in the district round, 2nd place in the regional round, 6.místo in MČR in Havlickuv Brod, where women won 3rd place in fire attack
 r.2006 - 3rd place in the regional round in Nymburk.

The power of women in 2007 and 2008 may see the ”Success Stories“



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Měnové Kurzy

Number of visits

Fire present

Championship of the Czech Republic in Olomouc in 2003 fire sport racers 74 Vavrova Lucie - running 100 ms barriers

Czech championship teams SDH SH ČMS fire in the sport in 2005 Havlickuv Brod

Czech championship teams SDH SH ČMS fire in the sport in 2005 Havlickuv Brod, right Irena Havlikova (Jiroušková)

Czech championship teams SDH SH ČMS fire in the sport in 2005 Havlickuv Brod, evaluation of fire attack - 3rd place

Czech championship teams SDH SH ČMS fire in the sport in 2005 Havlickuv Brod.

Children - okrsková competition Sychrov 10.6.2006




Created and updated , jrrtd