   Břehy  Doubrava  Příhrazy  Skokovy  Žďár  Žehrov

Several photos

Armory Doubrava History Year 1931   Year 1962: Hana Horakova, Mešková B. Váňová Louthanová M. M. Prskavcová people. Vlkova ANCI, Kvintusová John.   Year 1980: Tomková Marie, Richtrová Helena, Eva Brix, Hloušková John, Zakouřilova Vladimir, Šalková Jitka, Špetlíková Irena, Hermanová Marie
. Message okr. master. Consultation Staff competition. Vaz, Mr. Karel Filla syringe from 1896 to okrskové competition in 2005. Staff okrskové competition 2005: Karel Filla, Josef Kavalík, Harman Stefan, Jaroslav Volf, Egrt Miloslav - master of the 7th district, Josef Bilek.

Filla Charles was a member of staff, just as jubilant.



Firemen Doubrava

    Doubrava ".....Corps memorial book good. Firemen in Doubravách, was based on 16 February of 1931. The book was written by the brother of the manager Tomka, Chief Joseph Šlambora, Chairman Alois Špetlík, master Franců Antonin and this time the entire management board. The choir was founded on 25 of March 1892 and was founded following brothers: Vocásek Vaclav, Vaclav Lojda, júna František, Jan Hobrlant, Josef Stary, Jan Hendrych, Jos. Valenta, and Franz Josef Bičík Richtr. Chorus good. Firemen in Doubravách was signed to župě of 25 May 1892 and assigned to župě 42 he. Prvá founding meeting of the College on 25 March of 1892 in the inn, the ”caring“ in the presence of all the founding členůsboru. The first chairman was elected Václav Vocásek, master Antonin Peca, executive Jos. Kobosil. In 1896 of 12 March purchased the settlement Doubravou four new syringe from RASmekal from Prague for the price of 560 zl. At the same time, the machine purchased was 80 m hose for 60 zl. and equipment for 18 men 120zl. from the same company as a machine. ”should be added that the syringe is still in sound condition and function, stored in the firehouse in Doubrava.“

      In addition, the commemorative book that describes all the important events up to 1988. For example: 30 January 1898 was purchased 1 fire ladder and two hooks. In 1891 of 26 July was purchased land for the construction firehouse. Armory was built settlement Doubrava of 12 October of 1902 for 500 ka before the year was delivered to its end. On 16 May 1909 has been corrected Kobosilových sludge in the event of fire. Furthermore, does nothing so important until 26 August 1914, when war broke out the world.

      Congress odbývaný of 21 June 1931 vydařil is exceeding expectations. It was one the biggest feast at that time in our colony and in the choir. Visit the hasičstva and citizenship has been exceeding expectations. Exercise hasičstva was nice and perfectly done. Brothers were present 563 firefighters and 22 women. Visit citizenship perhaps more than three thousand. Gross income for the College involved 18.500, - CZK which was welcome assistance choral treasury.

      Since the year 1932 were in the commemorative book and has no records because the book has been claimed as missing and after a long time has been found in Ladislav Matoušek, which was at that time the manager and no records of an unknown reason in the book done. Matter at this time was the most vulnerable and weaken in 1937, our first since the Republic started riots. It is in this book described the entire evolution of the Second World War until the 30th January 1947, when the general meeting was attended by only 8 members.

      On 7 June 1947 was carried out registration of guests and the membership present at a general meeting jubilee fire brigade in the Doubrava padesátiletého held on the occasion of the College held at 21.00 am in the room br. Rud. Lebeda.

       In 1949 also bought the car brand ”Praga“ for 86.947,-Kč, so the right syringe and fire rescue crews to ensure. In 1950 it purchased 275 m hose for 25570, - Kč. On 1 April 1951 according to government regulation was discarded and the fire brigade was set up a local firefighter. unity. The following are described years fifty, when the work to improve fire protection. For example, in 1956 was brigádnických worked 940 hours. Natives are meeting on a regular, annual májových jamboree.

      Year 1963 was launched the annual membership meeting to be held on 6 January involving 76 members and representatives of MNV, District Committee PO, okrskového Committee and representatives from Žďár fire units and banks. Interest on fire protection continues to increase, as observed from participating in the annual member meeting, 76 members of the 1948 where the participation of only 8 members. Sixties were filled with many work tasks performed by the firemen at the expense of personal free time. This work is recognized and the Government of the Czech Republic.

      1970 we started a very nice fire balls, our choir has participated in the 25th anniversary of the liberation of our homeland, was solemnly placed a wreath at the monument fallen in the first world. War. In addition, he participated in the competition held in okrskové Loukov and long-distance transport of water with the participation of ten brigades. Furthermore, in the seventies increased commitments for the fire brigades. A year 1973 was the peak of our choir for the entire duration of the choir and was declared the best college of the district of Mladá Boleslav and rewarded by 5.000-Kčs. Other ”value commitments“ defined by our organization until 1988, when registration of the memorial book ends. At the conclusion of the Annual Member Meeting 9.12.1988, which was awarded Zdeňek Šnajdr for youth work. Awards ”for exemplary work“ got Bígl Henry, Female Joseph, Tomka Mir. Wednesday, Richtr Oto Lebeda and Rud. st. Medal ”For the loyalty“ of 40 years received Bígl Henry, Egrt Oldřich, Karel Filla, Tomka Mir. ml., J. Vanek and 50 years Lebeda Rudolf st.

      More Minutes after the revolution in 1989, the nedochoval, or is not registered or not available.

      New discovery - other books and records appeared for Mr Charles Fill, letitého member fire brigade Doubrava and correspondents in various county newspapers, such as heat, Mladoboleslavsko, Fire Protection, Freedom, etc. boo and clippings from newspapers are available at the appointed Charles Doubrava No. 123. They are stored in the book since 1963 to 1981. The book contains 215 sheets with 268 clips. The first clip is from ”Fire Protection“ of 1963 and the last of the ”Glow Mladoboleslavsla“ of 1981. The sample two facts.

      Chronicle continues from March 1973 and to list events that astonished fire brigade and the comfort. Death of Mr. Joseph Volejník but also an invitation to the fifth International Competition firefighting teams, which took place on the 10th - 14 07. 1973 in Brno. In the following years, described the activities the Association, in 1992 was the 100th years in the Corps Doubrava. Authors administration to 100 years of written and Karel Filla Miloš Vodák from Doubrava.

      To quote the event. ”Establishment of our fire brigade Doubrava in respect of this settlement. In 1713 in the records of special visitační Commission is stated that the village Doubrava the newly established population of subsistence and sold from the field svijanského manor Justice dařenického estate. Doubrava covered by rychta dolenožďárskou. W existing resources can be ascertained that Mr. Jirik Kovářů LP in 1681 on 11 September, took the cottage from the local ruler with one dig beds role built on its cargo, which he made from the local ruler was 18 kick shingles and 36 boards coarse. The cottage was in imposed in 1794 to serve 78 days in robots. Moreover, even had to be organized on a robot hand, and to 13 days a year. Chalupa possess this one after the other and then selling late in the current period of 12 owners. This statement deals with the emergence of descriptive Nos. 4 . in Doubrava, under which can be concluded that our settlement was founded at least 319 years ago. The settlement grew thanks to its haul, was built of new facilities and built new houses. To protect the property was in 1892 founded a voluntary fire brigade in Doubrava. Details are establishing at the beginning of this page.

     In subsequent years the competition took place in the fire of sport, of the various associations, požárnické balls, conferences. Furthermore, we find on the site achieve recognition Karl Fillo designated for long-term business and 80th anniversary years of birth. It is much, recognition, medals and memorial sheets. Up to 15 June 2005, when he was awarded the Memorial list OSH Ml. Boleslav No. 1 This book ends with an invitation to Okrskovou competition, which took place 04th 06. 2005. Invitation to all zasloužilým hasičům Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, which was held in Podlázkách for Ml. Boleslav. A complete end to the invitation from the regional asset management meritocracy fire on 15 09. 2005 in Kutna Hora.

Finally, a few interesting pictures, which show the old building from Žďár, Doubrava a few photos from the past period, with the celebration of 100 years of college.

Greetings from Doubrava

Doubrava 1915 Brehy-Karbo 1913 Zdar School 1937 Doubrava č.p. 4

100 College years


Karel Filla 1992

Authors file



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 On June 7, 2010 celebrated the 85th firemen Doubrava Birthday longtime choir member and official Charles Filla. We wish you good health and wellbeing. Photos available here



Created and updated , jrrtd